Friday, August 19, 2011

Epiphany of Failure...

A single bird, left out of its group,
 screaming, knowing not if it is in the lead,
 or the tail cut off, from its troop.
 Flying, sometimes with and sometimes against the wind... 
Eye searching for a mate,
heart desiring for acceptance.
Oh!! The result of not taking the path straight..
and of revealing its own brilliance..
It always thought, if it never stopped flying,
someday it would touch the globe of fire.. (sun)
And with this hope, it flew towards it singing, every morning..
with will, strong and set, and heart filled with desire..
Over the years, it learnt the art,
of reaching a place with its eyes..
No more it needed to fly towards it like a dart..
At last it paid... all those tries..


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