Monday, April 18, 2011

The Unborn Me

I feel, the dark in me is unborn,
awaiting to come out and rule my soul.
Being fed inside, with knowledge and love,
I feel tiny, witha a huge goal.

The plethora of flame inside me,
is burning me down to ash.
Everything is burnt, the ego, the pride.
What remains is just me. My soul.

Freedom atlast, from the cage,
of bones, flesh and blood,
and of sorrow, guilt and rage.
And then surrounded with love and light I stay....

Friday, April 15, 2011

The secret tryst...

From the paradise of love, 
she stepped into the dirt.
Mirror of sanctity, My goddess, My love,
to spread love and light on the earth.

Like wind, she flew into my little world,
and made it complete.
Slowl the secret tryst of our souls unfurled,
and we left our hearts on love to lead.

Her smile fades melancholy out of pain, 
and turns it into a pleasure.
Her voice sounds like a heavens wain,
My love, my life, my twin flame!

I wonder if I'm worth for you,
of your beauty, love and grace.
I just want you to know, I love you,
and everytimme I close my eye, I see your face.
Love you always in all ways <3

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Principles for Paragon...

1) Respect everyone and everything

           Respect the ant for its hardwork, respect the leo for its strength, respect a woman for she is a magician who gives life to seed. Respect the universe as whole, and lastly respect yourself, your mind.
Let your mind wander to every corner and seek a path, then, respect its decision.

2) Harm none
             Our thoughts are unidirectional. We cant think what someone else does, so there are chances of being opposed. Trust yourself, dont believe at the barks of the mundane, and harm them not too, for they may be wrong or right, they have their own will, and free will is not to be altered. Beware, for the change in one may trigger more changes, be sure of what ye do and what ye ask for. Remember Newtons third law? "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, equal in magnitude and "opposite in direction". Same goes with us, do good, good will it be for you, do bad and you are asking for it, thrice of it!!

3) Love everyone and everything

             Love is the law, love is the bond, so mote it be!
Talk the language the whole world knows of.
Smile and you get one, punch and you get one, same way love and ye shall be loved!

        Remember, this is the way a life is to be lived. Life remains not the same for those who follow this, it changes, to a better one, to a beautiful and everlasting experience, which one day ye shall cherish seated on the lap of gods!!


Friday, April 8, 2011

Tнє נoу σƒ Gινιηg

Giving, as in Wikipedia is just "act of benevolent giving" or "generosity"
But its actual meaning is known, or rather I'l call it "felt" when you give something, from heart.

Human is the most greediest yet the most generous of all creatures.
Greedy because there is no limit to his desires, and generous because he atleast exhales!
Why cant we be like Mother Nature?
Have not you noticed she gave us everything we have? Everything we eat?

How do we repay it? With giving birth to "ashwatha" or Plastic?
To get into the earths womb and kill the unborn?

Is it fair?
To know the value of Giving, give up the greediness to mundane!
Give away the habbit of using Plastic!

God did give you eyes, but he wont provide you with vision of future.
Its you who have to see that, and beware of what is to come.

Recently I saw a video by Sri Lanka Eye donation society,
It was of a blind boy in a Railway station, who laughs at a joke cracked by a man reading a book.
After having his fill of laughter he asks the person if he can have it after he is done, the person quite shocked asks "what, the book?" (noticing that the boy was blind)
The little boy answers, "no, your eyes"
These kind of videos get many to realise that if there is something worth to be shared, it is donating eyes.

Be not greedy, for one day ye will leave everything that ye has.
Give it to some one who needs it and ye will get something forever, Blessings!
Donate eyes!

Sacrifice has been heard of in almost every relegion.
But seldom understand that it is not the sacrifice of your food or an animal the god yearns for,
It is the sacrifice of evil in you!! Take out the hatred, the greed, the revenge, the anger and all that is not worth having in this little yet beautiful life. Live and let live is not the key! Care, love and show compassion to  everyone and everything, for that will not remain a mere ring of smoke! It will come back to you, remember the three fold law, what ever you give out, good or bad, comes back to you, thrice the mass!!

Blessed and Safe path, let good things come to us from all directions!


Monday, April 4, 2011

A dream of My Soul

I see her and I feel the veins tightening, I feel the blood rushing and a wave of torrid pleasure passes through my skin. Without admonishing I move, towards her. She saw my advance and bequeathing her hair for me in the light wind, let it sway towards me. I smell the aroma, near I go, and feel her auburn hair on my face.
My hands move towards her slender waist, pulling her near I feel her breathe on my neck, it was fading.

I tugged her in my shoulders, she made a voice which sounded low, yet pleasing like a vesper.
The souls had already made a tryst, I saw that in her agleaming eyne.

I caught her more tightly afray of chasm.
Her cold lips touched the lump on my throat, and I heard a faint whisper saying "love me my love"
I dont remember much after that, but I know it was the only time I was and am thankful in my life, It was the best   thing that ever happened with me. My soul had touched its mate, an amalgam of both souls was made!

Love made me and I made love!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dαякηєѕѕ !!

Darkness is Beautiful!
Its the only way I feel that which is in me, I feel myself.

It makes me separated from the world and takes me to a world with plethora of colors zooming through me.
I see many ways, to travel along the path I wish, I stare and I get in, deep and deeper.

Initially it is the absence of light, but when you concentrate you'll find that it is the absence of your outer self, your materialistic and egoistic soul. Darkness shows where you stand in the infinitely large sea of fire, of light, of knowledge. Directionless it is, dimentionless it is, yet there is a destination to be reached.

Darkness does'nt have a chronicle and is uncertain, like the souls that struggle inside you, me and everyone!
In Darkness shall the chiv of knowledge touch the devil adorned in thy skull.
In Darkness shall ye find thyself.
In Darkness shall ye be "enlightened"!
