Monday, April 4, 2011

A dream of My Soul

I see her and I feel the veins tightening, I feel the blood rushing and a wave of torrid pleasure passes through my skin. Without admonishing I move, towards her. She saw my advance and bequeathing her hair for me in the light wind, let it sway towards me. I smell the aroma, near I go, and feel her auburn hair on my face.
My hands move towards her slender waist, pulling her near I feel her breathe on my neck, it was fading.

I tugged her in my shoulders, she made a voice which sounded low, yet pleasing like a vesper.
The souls had already made a tryst, I saw that in her agleaming eyne.

I caught her more tightly afray of chasm.
Her cold lips touched the lump on my throat, and I heard a faint whisper saying "love me my love"
I dont remember much after that, but I know it was the only time I was and am thankful in my life, It was the best   thing that ever happened with me. My soul had touched its mate, an amalgam of both souls was made!

Love made me and I made love!!

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