Saturday, March 19, 2011


Someday you will come and never go,
Someday I would stop the tears which flow.
Someday on your lap i would lie,
Happy, contented, peacefully i would die.


Someday I would hug you so tight,
everthing will be normal and right.
Someday i would make love to you,
Someday happiness we'll get, and none to undo.
Someday my soul will touch its mate,
Someday this will happen, soon or late...

Love you always in all ways... <3



  1. my gosh..!!!! its so beautiful...nd veryy veryy veryyy emotional... i love it.. :)
    purity in true love never dies..

  2. my gosh..!!!! its so beautiful...nd veryy veryy veryyy emotional... i love it.. :)
    purity of true love never dies..
